Let's Get Real!

Studies from the Book of James

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Lesson One: Discussion Questions

Here are a few questions from our first lesson that we will take a look at:

2- What are your first impressions of this book? (for instance, how is it organized - tightly, loosely, unifying theme, without connections between topics...? What is James's tone -- humorous, harsh, friendly, dry, passionate, humble, arrogant, authoritative? How does he seem to feel about his readers and his topics?)

3. Repetition is a clue to the ideas a writer wants to emphasize. What words and ideas does James repeat?

5. How would you describe James's purpose(s) for writing this letter? (Is he teaching doctrine, exhorting someone to action, giving warnings or rebukes, telling them about himself, offering personal comfort or encouragement...?)

6. What phrase or sentence would you use to summarize what James is saying?

Be thinking about any questions that you would like to delve into more deeply. Also, record any areas of your life that you want to work on during the study. Take each one to God in prayer, asking Him to show you His priorities for your application and to give you His strength to become what He desires. If you are convicted by his letter, confess your failings to God right now.

See you all again on Wednesday night. By the grace of God, I pray that I will be much less nervous this week. Oh, and don't forget to pray for your prayer partner. Blessings!

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